Litteraturhuset i Fredrikstad er vert for flere former for historier, uttrykk og formidling. Kunstnerne Fernanda Branco og Hanna Filomen Mjåvatn ved masterstudiet i performance Akademi for scenekunst, Høgskolen i Østfold deler sine kunstneriske arbeider med to performancer.
MA in PERFORMANCE er et toårig heltidsstudie, for de som allerede har utviklet en egen kunstnerisk praksis og som ønsker å utvide sin tilnærming også til performance som kunstuttrykk.
Gaia’s hair – intruding thoughts
Performance-lecture with Fernanda Branco
In the performance-lecture Gaia’s hair, Fernanda Branco exposes speculative stories and attempts of growing her own artistic material.
Gaia’s hair is an invitation for a multiplicity of entities and narratives to be weaved, investigating how to articulate language and non-verbal expressions to give voice to otherness. Inspired in playful ways the term Anthropocene can rise wonders and foster imagination.
Frictioning boundaries between lecture and performance while investigating their strategies, with the intention of generating meeting points of poetic narratives. The performance will be held in English.
Fernanda Branco is a performer, gardener and poet from Brazil, based in Norway since 2006. Currently attending the Master in Performance program at Høgskole Østfold – Norwegian Theatre Academy, where she is researching her artistic practices from an ecological and Anthropocene perspectives.
Followed by:
Inner Sampling
Performance with Hanna Filomen Mjåvatn
Welcome to my Inner Sampling. Inner Sampling, a live research performance on reflections and receptivity through actions. I am investigating experience of shift in sensations, body movement, thoughts and inner images collaborating with sound and objects. Searching to find more connections through interdisciplinary play. What interests me is how new information surfaces during this process.
Hanna Filomen Mjåvatn is a phillppine adopted dancer and choreographer, based in Oslo. Graduated from the National College of Art in Oslo in 2006. Hanna has worked as a co-creative performer for several artists and productions. Currently attending the Master in Performance program at Høgskole Østfold – Norwegian Theatre Academy.
Her finner du en oversikt over alle våre kommende arrangementer de neste månedene. Vi huser både egne og andres arrangementer.
22. oktober 2024 | kl 15.00
29. oktober 2024 | kl 15.00
22. oktober 2024 | kl 15.00
29. oktober 2024 | kl 15.00
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