Loss of oil revenues and new times require new industry and new revenue streams. But how good are we at facilitating new and much-needed initiatives in industry?
• Introduction by general manager Kjell Arne Græsdal , Fredrikstad Næringsforening
Græsdal has participated in an expert group for hosting attractiveness, and has followed the challenges companies face when they are on the move.
• Kronos Titan AS is the center of an ecological hub on Øra, but the lack of a national landfill threatens their existence. What is the latest status? v / adm.dir. Jan Klauset
• FREVAR will build a new wastewater treatment plant. What needs are to be covered and where can the plant be built?
• A new area plan has been published. The opposition authorities maintain objections in some areas. What consequences does this have. New area plan – does it provide new opportunities for the business community? v / planning manager Espen Eggen , Fredrikstad municipality
Time : Wednesday 3 June at 08.00 – 09.30
Place: Litteraturhuset, Storgaten 11, Fredrikstad
Price: Free, serving of coffee and tea at Litteraturhuset
Organizer : Fredrikstad Næringsforening
For infection control reasons, there is room for only 40 people, FOR REGISTRATION
Welcome to the morning meeting – which can also be seen live on the Facebook page of Fredrikstad Næringsforening .
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